Steam Over Holland
I’m three plays into the wonderful introductory 18xx game Steam Over Holland and I’m confident in saying that while it stands up perfectly for beginner playe...
GameStorm 2009
I was able to return to GameStorm this year after sadly missing the 2008 event (read my past reports: 2003, 2004 Day 1, 2004 Day 2, 2004 Day 3, 2004 - Uberpl...
GTD for teenage boys
I’ve Twittered a bit recently about the productivity coaching I’ve been giving to Matthew and a few folks asked me to expand on how I’ve introduced Getting T...
Fields of Fire
I’m obsessed with Fields of Fire, and I’ve only played 1/5 of a full scenario. When I say obsessed, I mean I keep thinking about how much I want to play this...