Tomorrow afternoon we'll load up the car and drive out to the coast for Thanksgiving weekend, which we'll spend with Jan and David. We'll be sure to get some gaming in, so it is time to decide what to load up in the crate. We have a decent selection of party games out there already, but I'm hoping to get in a few meatier games. Here's what I'm thinking:

  • Railroad Tycoon - the kids are loving this one as am I, and I think it will be an easy sell to get David to play this one.
  • Time's Up - a rematch! Maybe we'll switch teams up this time, as Julie and I won handily last time.
  • Lost Valley - I managed a few plays at BGG.CON but the boys haven't played it yet and I think they'll love it.
  • Cribbage - Jacob's been enjoying this one lately so why not run with it for a while?
  • Drive - Curious to see how this plays with four players.

Probably not worth trying to bring Indonesia, Antike, Caylus, or Byzantium though I'd love to play any of these over the weekend. Hmmm… Matthew did love Caylus, maybe I should reconsider.

I wish I had a decent football boardgame to bring out during the Cowboys game on Thursday. I've heard good things about Pizza Box Football but haven't tried it yet.

Any other suggestions?
