KC, Rita, and I held a Havoc launch event at our friendly local game store, Rainy Day Games. We did this on Sunday to kick off National Games Week. Turnout was, well, "meh" but we did have non-stop demos going on and it was fun to just hang out with friends (the Rudes, Loops, Deans's's).

KC Giving a Havoc Demo

We did a drawing at the end and give away a gift card for RDG and a copy of Havoc with all of the expansions. Steve Ellis, owner / manager of RDG, is such a nice guy and we always have great conversations about game industry trends, distribution, game store profitability, and more.

Ken, Brandon, and Jacob played some CribbGolf, a game I picked up at Goodwill earlier this year for $1.99. As Ken put it, "this is a great way to ruin cribbage." Oh well… maybe I spent too much.


Steve showed a few of us how to play Tsuro, the new abstract release from WizKids. The production on this game is very nice, and the play isn't too bad either. It reminds me a bit of Metro but it plays quickly and should be a big hit for these guys.

Tsuro Closeup

What's amazing is the price-point on this game - about $25. Just goes to show how volume production can get the cost (and price) down on what looks to be a high quality game.
