We are wrapping up two weeks of hosting and wandering with friends.

Playing Great Dalmuti with Julie, Greg, and Matt Playing Great Dalmuti with Julie, Greg, and Matt

Greg and Matt flew into JFK a couple of weeks ago, exactly during the flooding around NYC. I met them there and we rented a spot in Queens as a base for some touristy activities. We enjoyed some Broadway shows, music in the Village, MOMA, lots of walking, and lots of time on the subway commuting to and from Queens. Next we drove back to Keuka Lake to enjoy a week of game playing, beer tasting, and walking the quiet lake road.

Fall color hiking with Jim and Jill Fall color hiking with Jim and Jill

Jim and Jill arrived while Greg and Matt were with us to overlap for a bit. We had fun exploring the latest Lord of the Rings expansion for Magic: the Gathering, and playing our annual game of SpaceCorp (with the expansion of course!).

We said goodbye to Greg and Matt just over a week ago, then started closing down the cottages for the winter. It was great having Jim and Jill there to help as we have a very constrained timetable this year. The sailboats are put away, furniture is off the porch in the yellow cottage, and we are confident we can finish things up in the next few days.

For the last week we’ve been roaming New England with Jim and Jill and our pair of camper vans. We started in the Adirondacks, moved into Vermont via Plattsburgh, stopped in New Hampshire for some hiking on the way to Massachusetts, and ended up camped in Harold Parker State Forest near Andover. I’ll share more about the reason we were in MA in a future post.
