Jacob Running 4x100

Jacob opted out of baseball this spring, which makes me a bit sad but also a bit proud - he's recognizing the value of (relative) downtime and grew weary of the high level of pressure associated with baseball. He also finds it a bit boring. His technology teacher at high school, whom he's been working with for 3 years and is close friend, chatted up track and field as a lower key option for him and a way to stay in shape as he enters summer football season.

He had so much fun this season exploring different events and learning where his strengths were. He ran the individual 100m, 4x100m relay, and 400m as well as participating in high jump and javelin. Javelin appears to be his thing, and he even qualified to participate at the varsity level for a few meets which is a great accomplishment for a freshman.

A week ago the Northwest Oregon Conference held their novice / JV meet where Jacob competed in the 4x100, high jump, and javelin. Jacob's relay team took third overall, he finished 4th in javelin (though felt that he should have won had he come even close to his PR), and 2nd overall in high jump setting a PR of 5'3".

Next up for him is summer basketball and summer football (camps and training).
