We are a week into our 6-week stay at Keuka Lake, and the pace is intoxicating. Rather than trying to squeeze in every possible activity over a 7-10 day sprint, we are pacing ourselves and enjoying some quiet time.

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The boys are working on several Boy Scout merit badges with Grandpa Jerry - motorboating, water sports, small boat sailing, and possibly rowing and canoeing. Each merit badge has a similar set of first aid and swimming requirements so we completed those during the week. Matthew struggled a bit with the swimming test but after some coaching from another terrible swimmer (me) we got him through it.

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The boys' current project is staining two wooden beach chairs with some guidance from grandpa, who built the chairs over the winter in his wood shop. The color is coming out different than expected but we think we'll stick with it. They are finishing up the final coat as I type this.

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As for me, I had mixed results with my first week of working remotely. I had a ton of calls to take during the week (I'm hiring an Executive Director for TechStart and had several interviews to conduct) but as the week went on I got my groove and was very productive by Friday. I keep my camera close at hand in case anything worth shooting wanders by my view.

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Matthew's favorite activity is still tubing behind the boat and we accommodate his passion on a daily basis.

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Jacob lives for sailing and had the pleasure of indoctrinating a cousin in the finer points of capsizing and righting the Sunfish last weekend. We haven't managed to get the Flying Dutchman out yet as the sun and wind have yet to conspire together for the right conditions.

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We have a little more than a week on our own here before the Ginn family joins us for the 4th of July week - the boys are excited to have more like-aged and like-minded company, and I'm excited to get some gaming in with Jim.
