GenCon Logo

We head out for GenCon Indy this Wednesday morning for some quality family time and four days of gaming goodness. This has turned out to be a successful formula for our family: Jacob and I spend four days gaming, Matthew joins us for one day, and Julie spends two days up in West Lafayette with her grandmother. We've also arranged for family get-togethers on Thursday and Sunday night. We'll get back Monday morning in time for me to work and for the boys to hit football practice.

I've made my Backpack planning page for GenCon public. I'm coordinating a BoardGameGeek meetup this year, so if you are going, join us at 9am Saturday morning at GameBase 7 (the open boardgame checkout area). Jacob, Matthew, and I will be wearing our dark blue BSW t-shirts. Come join us for some friendly chat and open gaming!
