A couple of weekends ago (on the front-end of the Jacob and Matthew's spring break), we spent the weekend at the coast and had some long-time friends as guests. Martin Danner, an old friend and former co-worker (he runs Arrowrock Software), along with son Greg joined us at the beach house for one night. The weather was spectacular - high winds and driving rain (this was the same day the barge ran aground at Cape Disappointment) - but that didn't stop us from taking a beach hike around the north end of Salishan spit.

The fuzziness you see around the ground is the blowing sand. The wind was gusting in the 40mph range.

This is always a great time to hike the beach, but only if you prepare yourself with raingear to stay somewhat dry and warm. The harbor seals were very active at the point and we saw around 40 of them.

Jacob posing with two seals.
