On Monday, Jacob and I ventured across town (about as far across town as you can imagine) to KC and Rita's home in Gresham. KC, Rita, and I are planning a playtest day in November to further develop some of his game designs. While we drilled down into the details, Jacob joined their kids for some HeroScape.

We combined our two sets, and the kids went crazy with their own design and scenario. Half the fun with this game is the setup and playing with the minis.

Jacob designed an overhang ambush. I wish I had focused on the guy inside to give a clearer view.

Jenna and her army.

Just in case you forgot how to fit your minis back into the plastic, here's your guide.

Taj Mahal has been on my must play list for quite some time based on reputation. I knew next to nothing about the game, but found it easy to learn and very enjoyable to play. I like it when I can think of a rational plan and execute against it, feeling at least a bit in control of my destiny. Taj Mahal certainly offers that and more. I managed to win, but I think they everyone was being kind.
