The better of day 3 at Game Storm for me was my Uberplay Games demonstration session, which was supposed to last from nine until noon but actually lasted for most of the day. I'll cover the details of the demos in my next report, but first I thought I would give a photo diary of the other activities of the day.

We arrived about 8:30am. While I set up the Uberplay demos, Jacob and Matthew joined in a game of the classic Scotland Yard.

KC promised Jacob and Matthew that he would have a special gift for them if they came to Game Storm on Sunday for his annual "Family German Games" session. KC did not disappoint - check out the Battle Dome game he found for them! Think of Hungry Hippos or Gnip Gnop but with pinball flippers and a cool, wind-up ball distribution mechanism.

The obligatory Loopin' Louie game.

KC demonstrates one of his better prototypes (with a new graphic design!): Pizzza.

Schrille Stille was the highlight of the day for me. Players take the part of a record label pulling strings to boost artists to new levels of fame or send them hiking.

So we did I like Schrille Stille so much? I have a thing for cool play mechanisms (not abstract game mechanisms, but real gadgets that do something useful in a game), like the tower in Wallenstein. Schrille Stille has this cool cd-player gadget that is used to secretly collect and distribute votes for the artists. Matthew (surprise) was able to trounce everyone else.
