After a quick turnaround to close things down at Keuka, we are on the road again. Heading west to Napa via Oregon.

Cottages at sunrise Cottages at sunrise

Some light rain and cold days early on turned into beautiful warm, sunny, fall weather, making everything easier to secure things for the winter. Julie and I had completed about 20% of the work before leaving for Africa, and having five full days to finish up allowed us to take things at a leisurely pace.

Julie working on motor boat Julie working on motor boat

Two bigger projects are securing the motor boat (including removing the transom plug) and de-rigging the Melges M-15 sailboat. We do have a checklist to follow but after nearly a decade of opening and closing we can pretty much take care of things just by looking and wandering around.

Sleep schedules are slowly retuning to normal. We’ve enjoyed getting back to cooking for two, going for walks and runs, and seeing shows on our watch list.

We will take two weeks to journey to Portland, stopping for family and friend visits during the first week then golf and back country adventures during the second.
