I'm experimenting with a tool called Womcat, referred to me by my friend Greg. This is a decent way to organize bookmarks, and I have provided some brief notes on each. There are a few cool features about this tool, which is why I am trying it instead of just making my own HTML page of links:

  • It automatically provides an RSS feed to my bookmarks. You can subscribe to this if you like and receive updates as I edit the list. If you are bold enough to run Womcat yourself, you can aggregate my bookmarks into your own.
  • It has the ability to maintain what are called "weak subscriptions" - pages I don't necessarily read, but are likely to contain links to interesting spots. Womcat will check these weak subscriptions for me and tell me what outbound links they have in common. Good way to find new content.

Anyway, I've added it to my nav links on the right.
