We had a healthy dose of snow on New Year's day - woke up to about 4 inches another 2-3 fell during the day. The bad (good?) weather here has had great timing - I've been off work both days, so I haven't had to make the difficult decision of trying to get into the office.

The view from our front porch about 10am.

While I took care of the driveway and sidewalks, Julie and the boys walked up the street to the biggest hill in the area to join our friends for some sledding. It was very cool - at least 20 families out there sledding, riding their snowmobiles and four-wheel ATVs, and even a few cross-country skiers. Sherwood is a great place to live.

After returning to the house, the boys took advantage of the huge pile of snow I made shoveling to build a snow fort.

Jacob and Matthew work on the snow fort / igloo.

Matthew digging out the inside of the fort.

Unfortunately it warmed up quite a bit last night and today, so the fort collapsed. Forecast calls for more snow tonight and tomorrow though - could be as much snow coming as we got yesterday.
