I spent a few hours at Benjamin Corliss' place last Tuesday gaming with a small group of very nice folks. Kevin Graham, who also hosts gaming periodically, was there so it was nice to see a familiar face.

Killer Bunnies

Kevin was given a free copy of this game on the condition that he would write a review. Four of us played the game presumably as a light opener - this games a bit longer than you might think given the theme. The card quality is very high in this game where you try to get bunnies out and keep them out while destroying your friends' bunnies. The ultimate goal is to win the magic carrot at the end (your odds improve as you buy or win carrots throughout the game). This game reminds a bit of Fluxx in that the play can seem chaotic at times, but I could see a bit of strategy lurking under the silly facade. I may consider playing again, but I don't think it is worth adding to my collection.


I took out my newly aquired Corsairs game to introduce to the four folks I had just played Killer Bunnies with (the rest of the group were still entrenched in a game of Mare Nostrum). This is fun, light game that is easy to teach with a great Pirate theme. I fell behind fast and finished a distant third, but had fun losing.


I finished with a quick game of Condottiere with the folks that had been playing Mare Nostrum. This game ended up going quickly, as one player was able to go for his third consecutive region nearly unchallenged. This is a fun card game (I played it at Kevin's house for the first time) but I'm still not sure I want to own it.
