
We left our dispersed campground in the hills above the south side of Moab early Sunday morning and made our way into town. We had decided a rest day was in order, both for body recovery and to catch up on work for both of us. We knew Moab would have good LTE service for us (Google FI via T-Mobile) plus some likely WiFi options.

We started with lattes at the Moab Coffee Roasters. It was busy but we found a table on the outside in range of their half-decent WiFi. There were a few other folks hanging around that looked as crusty and beat-up as we felt.


Not wanting to overstay our welcome at MCR, we relocated to the Grand County Public Library. Service wasn’t great from within the van, so we moved first to the park benches then to the shady (for a while) side of the building. We brought over our folding chairs where we lingered for several hours. Eventually we creeped back into a nook to hide more from the ever-encroaching sun.


It was a good feeling to get through work backlogs; for me grading and prep for the following week of classes, and for Julie catching up with the huge load of emails dumped on her.

For the next three nights we will be in Canyonlands area to do some new-to-us hikes.
