RSS Feed Will Be Broken for a While
I'm still sorting through some configuration challenges on the host machine, so if you aggregate the site with an RSS reader, it will be broken for a while...
Good Grief and a Plea for Help
My ISP crashed the box where my weblog was hosted. I may have lost quite a bit of content as well. My own fault for not having a better backup strategy. I’...
Convergence of Game and Software Design Methodology?
I read in the nimrods blog about this article by Jacob Davenport, designer (or co- designer) of some great Icehouse games like Pikemen and Gnostica. Fe...
What Games Are People Playing?
Mark Jackson took some time to summarize what are called "5 and 10" or "five and dime" reports culled from spielfrieks early this year. This was a bit la...