Saturday Night in Essen
We are in the home stretch. We had a great dinner at one of the nicer places I’ve seen around here - the name escapes me, but the food was on the gourmet si...
Der Elefant
Trying out the Amigo card game Der Elefant here in the conference room at the Arosa. This is about the classic “elephant in the china shop” story (? I though...
Sitting Down for Dinner at the Manda
We have our crew plus Matthias and Ina Catrain - Matthias is our artist for Incan Gold. I’m sipping a Paulaner Weissbier and we are having some great convers...
I’m trying out the new Zoch zum Spielen game Salamanca. This is a tile laying game that feels a bit like New England to me. Players take control of buildings...