Tap tap tap. Is this thing still on?

Wow - a lot has happened in the past month! As many of you know, CheckFree completed its acquisition of Corillian back in May. I started working at Corillian in September 1999 and served as the Chief Technology Officer since early 2001. After helping complete the transition work for integrating the two companies, it was time to reflect on next steps for me - 8 years in one place is a long time for me! The longest I had even lived in the same city prior to moving to Sherwood, OR was 4 years.

I was very impressed with how CheckFree handled the transition, and they offered me a very attractive role in the company. Still, after discussing at length with Julie, I felt it was time to move on and take some time to reflect and think about what's next for me. July 13 was my last day at CheckFree/Corillian. You can either call me unemployed or say I'm on a mini retirement (thanks Timothy Ferris) - in any case, I don't expect to resurface as an income-generating organic being until at least November.

I'm only 12 days into this mini-retirement but there should be no surprise that I'm loving it. Here's a short list of what I expect to do over the next few months:

  • Get back to posting more regularly. I promise to post every day for the next three months, with the exception of days when I don't feel like it. I have a backlog of posts to write on topics such as baseball, photography, and Max Michael and family visiting.
  • Do a lot of photography. I'm taking an online course at BetterPhoto and am loving it.
  • Coach football. I'll be assisting my friend Jim again this fall, running the defense for Matthew's 5th-6th grade team. This starts August 6.
  • Get back to playing more games. I'm averaging 1 session per month right now, and I'd like to get it up to 1 per week.
  • Reflect. My main "work" to do over the next 3 months is to reflect, brainstorm, and start acting on some of the vocational ideas I have churning around in my brain right now. I'll probably write about this process right here.
  • Hang out. Be more of a day-to-day presence with Julie and the boys. Jacob and I are out at Salishan right now. We golfed yesterday and plan on doing some surf casting on the beach in about 45 minutes. This sort of casual time is critical right now for the boys.

Stay tuned!
