I’m spending the day in Albany playing Holland ‘44 - Operation Market Garden with my wargaming buddies, 2v2.

Surveying the battle Surveying the battle

Bruce owns a custom made big map version, and Ken has a perfectly sized table. I get to game with these guys about once a year so this is a special treat, with one of my favorite wargames.

Playing 2v2 can be done in a variety of ways, such as dividing up the fronts (one allied player takes airborne units, other takes the XXX corp driving up Hell’s Highway), but we are just team playing and sharing in the decision making. Makes for slower but more interactive play. We’ll spend the entire day playing and likely get through 1/3 to 1/2 of the game.

101st Airborne 101st Airborne

Bruce’s big version of the game has the giant matte thick counters that are easy to read and easy to manipulate.
