Eating looks to be easier for us as we work our way north! Easier in that we are finding more variety, and more vegetarian and vegan options.

Julie enjoys a falafel sandwich Julie enjoys a falafel sandwich

Near our (amazing) hotel in Vienna we found the Naschmarkt, a permanent multi-block long narrow food (and goods, but mostly food) market. While there was plenty of fish, seafood, and sausages for sale we found a lot of non-meat options. Plus some Vienna sweets. Prices were good and it seemed to us that there were a lot of locals visiting.

Wine label from our Heuriger Wine label from our Heuriger

For our final night in Vienna, I talked Julie into taking a tram out to the suburbs to visit a Heuriger (Heuriger Kierlinger), a tavern associated with a Vienna winery. The term Heuriger comes from “this year”, which I think means the wine we tried was un-aged (fresh!). We tried two whites and one red; I think the red suffered the most from a lack of experience.

Full wine steins Full wine steins

One of the whites was very good, and as you can see the portions were generous. I indulged in a meat and cheese plate that was tasty and filling. Julie was glad she had the falafel sandwich late in the afternoon. I wouldn’t venture out to a Heuriger in search of fine food; instead enjoy hanging with locals in a casual setting and trying some new wine.
