Moonrise from Dantes View Moonrise from Dantes View

Our first day in Death Valley was focused primarily on high points: Rainbow Canyon, Zabriskie Point, and Dante’s View.

We started by hanging out at Father Crowley point over Rainbow Canyon in the hopes of seeing some fighter jets coming through what is known as Star Wars Canyon. Alas none arrived though we did have one buzz us on the highway as we left the canyon.

Descending into the Badlands Descending into the Badlands

After stopping by the visitor center and checking into the Texas Spring campground, we were off to Zabriskie Point. From there we did the 8 mile Golden Canyon / Gower Gulch / Badlands Loop.

Gower Gulch empties into Death Valley Gower Gulch empties into Death Valley

This was an incredible hike with contrasting colors and terrain. We did the loop counter clockwise so came up through Gower Gulch which was stark yet beautiful. The only plant life we saw was the hardy desert holly.

Death Valley from Dantes View Death Valley from Dantes View

After a drive through 20 Mule Team Canyon we ended our day at Dantes View. Julie didn’t visit here on her last trip to Death Valley so the panoramic views were a surprise to both of us. This is the best place to get the big picture view of the valley.
