A lot has changed since I last checked in. Here is the latest on a few different fronts.


During football season I don't get much gaming in, but I did have a blast playing the new edition of Band of Brothers over Labor Day weekend. This is a much more streamlined tactical war game than Advanced Squad Leader, but it has an elegance and simplicity that I enjoy. Not as chaotic as Combat Commander. I think there's room for all three of these games in my collection. Within the first weekend we were incorporating tanks and guns into our game. Contrast that with ASL where we may not get to full tank rules for another month or two after playing for over a year.

Work and Career

I'm teaching at Western Oregon University now in the computer science and information systems division. This term I'm teaching a graduate IS course that is a bit lightweight for my tastes, but I'm excited for next term when I'll be more incorporated into the technical undergraduate curriculum.

Where We Live

We sold our house in Sherwood and have been living in an apartment in Tualatin for the past two months. We have an accepted offer on a townhouse in Beaverton Oregon! We are so excited – smaller place but much newer and nicer than our old house. Close walking distance to many services, which is important now that we have only one car. We may be moved in as early as November 1.


Football and teaching are keeping me rooted here in Oregon this fall. Julie and are in the middle of planning our next big adventure: Vietnam and maybe Cambodia next spring. Julie will certainly write all about it on Plan-Pack-Go.
