Mike hosted another great day of Superbowl gaming last weekend and posted a detailed session report.

Carey and Jacob Play Football

I finally got around to editing some photos that you can see here in my flickr set. I don't have much to add other than a few more details about the game of Tigris and Euphrates that Julie managed to join. After agreeing to play, she wandered over to my Pizza Box football game to ask "is this the sort of game I'll like?" I grimaced and expressed my surprise that she volunteered to play, but quickly put on a happy face and indicated that she just might like it.

Julie Learns Tigris and Euphrates

As so often happens in situations like this, Julie managed to win it what turned out to be an oddly short and low-scoring game (I think she won with 6 or 7 points). I think the game was shorter due to an usual number of tile discard and re-draws.

Julie Wins Tigris and Euphrates
