That’s what we’ve been hoping for… a break from the rain. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter storms on the coast but we’ve been itching to get outside to do some non-rainy activities. Looks like things might get better today as we could actually see the sunrise and it is looking like we’ll see some scattered showers but no continuous rain. The boys and I plan to play some basketball outdoors this morning after breakfast, and we have a low tide mid afternoon so it’s a perfect opportunity to drive down the coast and visit the Yaquina Head tide pools.


Yesterday was full of rain and wind so we stayed indoors most of the day. We did see the latest Harry Potter movie and had quite a good time. Very good effects and a good treatment of the story. Now I feel caught up enough to read the latest two books. One complaint – Emma Watson as Hermione. Was she intentionally over-acting to portray the high drama of an adolescent teenage girl, or is she just having troubles acting?

Before dinner last night we got in a few games of For Sale (thanks Yehuda for the last-minute recommendation to bring this out). David has spent a career in real estate so I thought this would be a good fit. He and Jan picked up on the rules quickly and had fun playing I think – this is definitely my favorite filler and intro game.

Playing For Sale

We might also try and fit in a game of Railroad Tycoon today in between b-ball and the tide pools. The boys are anxious to play Duel of Ages again but having lugged RR Tycoon out here I’d like to see it hit the table at least once.
