Here are some snapshots from this year's visit to Keuka Lake in western NY (we do this every year).

Julie's college roomate Deb joined us for the July 4 weekend; I took her new husband Eli and son Philip out sailing on the flying dutchman.

Philip loved playing Mystery Rummy: Jack the Ripper (my new favorite). Recommendation: listen to the GeekSpeak interview of this game's designer Mike Fitzgerald.

We had a rousing game of Bang! that everyone enjoyed.

At the very end of our trip last year we picked up a used Walker Bay rowboat. This is now one of Jacob's favorite activities, though Matthew certainly enjoys being a passenger.

We had a great skiing year - Jacob was able to get up and stay up on a slalom ski (not shown here) and Matthew was able to ski on two.

Jacob and I spent three mornings out fishing deep for lake trout. We did reasonably well, cooking fish for two meals. This picture was our big surprise - a 19 inch largemouth caught about 40 feet below the surface.
