Axis & Alies: D-Day (publisher site, preview) was released this week. I was fortunate enough to be a playtester for this (thanks for the invite Doug!) you can see us in the credits: "A Bridge Too Many." This game is good (or was good when I tested it) and it will be interesting to see how it stacks up against the other big D-Day anniversary release Memoir '44. I was in Reedville (between Hillsboro and Beaverton) for a grand total of 20 hours Saturday/Sunday for Jacob's baseball tournament, so I made a stop at Rainy Day Games. They were conducting a great clearance sale, with many decent titles on sale for 30-50% off. I picked up a few gems, including Trias, Magna Grecia, and O Zoo Le Mio. They had A&A D-Day in stock too so I picked it up.

A&A D-Day is quite different than Axis & Allies. It is on a smaller scale, is much more tactical (no production or economics), and plays much more quickly. One potential complaint may be replayability due to the smaller scale and lack of scenarios to replay other conflicts.
