After a long week of travel to the east coast, and a busy week of activities for the kids, we were all content to lay low and take it easy this weekend. On Saturday, we did a bit of shopping and saw the movie Miracle, a great flick about the 1980 USA Olympic hockey team. I'm thrilled that Jacob and Matthew can get a taste of how momentous this event was; for those of us who lived through it stands as one of the most memorable events in our lifetime. For me, only the Challenger explosion, the collapse of the Berlin wall, and the Sept 11 disaster stand out as much. The movie was fantastic - a great script in the same league as The Rookie and other Mike Rich classics, though he didn't get writing credit for this one due to some weird writer's guild ruling.

After the movie we just had to stop in at Fry's, and we picked up the PC game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. This game is amazing and kept the men of the house engaged for the better part of Sunday. If you like role-playing computer games and are a Star Wars fan, you must get this game.
