I promised to post a photo or two from my session in Brooklyn last month. Here's a photo of Mikael, Lev, and Jonathan (left to right) during our game of Wallenstein. As I mentioned before, I loved this game and I recently placed an order at Funagain. It is on backorder and I should see it sometime in August. I also picked up Serenissima (haven't played yet) and Capt'n Clever (played with the boys last weekend - very light but a good bit of fun).

Mikael, Lev, and Jonathan in my first ever play of Wallenstein.

Julie, Jacob, Matthew, and I fly to Indianapolis tomorrow for a combined family visit and trek to GenCon. My parents and sister live there, and Julie's grandmother is up in West Lafayette (she turns 90 next month). Jacob and I will spend Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at GenCon, and I'll probably bring Matthew for a half day on Friday. I'll try and post some daily reports of our adventures there.
