
Canyon de Chelly

We took a break from camping and spent two hotel nights in Chinle, AZ to get a deep dive tour of the Canyon de Chelly. The canyon and park is within the Nav...

Pueblo Pintado, Salmon Ruins, Aztec Ruins

Leaving Chaco Canyon there were three additional sites for us to check out. The first was Pueblo Pintado, an outlier site that is part of the Chaco National...

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

I won't give enough words for the awesomeness that is Chaco in this post. A few highlights and photos will have to suffice. Chaco is a unique national park....

Sand Canyon Hiking (near Cortez CO)

Day two in the Cortez CO area took us to Sand Canyon southwest of town, a beautiful hike that also contains a large amount of Puebloan ruins. We improvise...