Backpacking Fish and Owl Canyons
Our first true backpacking trip on this long journey was at Fish and Owl Canyons in Cedar Mesa. We chose this because (1) new to us and (2) it is known to h...
Moon House Ruins
One of our few fixed, pre-planned trips on this month long adventure was a visit to Moon House. This ruin is notable enough to require permitting to limit t...
Slickhorn Canyon Ruins
Our next day of day hiking in the Cedar Mesa we planned a "quick" trip into Slickhorn Canyon to see one of the "perfect kivas", then move onto Moon House Ru...
The Day the Dinosaurs Died
Douglas Preston: “Any Cretaceous mammal burrow is incredibly rare,” he said. “But this one is impossible—it’s dug right through the KT boundary.” Perhaps, he...