With five full days in Marrakech Morocco we wanted to get out into the country a bit. Our first excursion was a three hour adventure riding quads in the local desert.

Ready to ride Ready to ride

This wasn’t truly in the wilderness as our van took us out to what I would call suburban vacant lot desert. At times we were riding in beautiful scenery with palm trees and desert hills, other times we were on or near roads and built infrastructure.

Julie chasing down our guide Julie chasing down our guide

Our tour company was great, and even though we had 5 others in our van Julie and I were split out with our own guide. We could tell by the way we took off and our routing that we had been hand chosen for a special faster adventure. Or maybe just because we did the first trial circle loop without slowing down. It was fun being on our own, having less dust and sand to eat from other riders, and roam around with more speed.

Julie goes zoom Julie goes zoom

We had a nice long break for tea and cookies near a pool with plenty of shade. Well cared for kittens joined us as we relaxed. Another couple joined us for the final leg which took us by an olive grove getting planted.

Riding quads is a very “normal Marrakech tourist” thing to do but we enjoyed the change of pace and roaming outside the city confines. Our next outing would be even better.
