Sunrise in camp

We kept our camp in place this morning and after a tasty chilaquiles breakfast we embarked for a northern trek to Honeymoon Beach.

It was about an hour long kayak into the wind, staying on the same island. We hugged the shore to ease the wind a bit which was coming in strong from the north. The bird action escalated as we journeyed, with pelicans and boobies alike plunging in droves for their breakfast.

Honeymoon Beach

The beach was where we spent most of the day, starting with a nature hike to the local peak where we could see out the north side of the island into Isla Carnen. After a ceviche lunch, the afternoon concluded with a snorkel in our little bay. It wasn’t up to the same quality as the prior two days but still plenty of action.

Cruising back downwind

The cruise back was a fine change of pass as we were on a downwind run. Took less than 40 minutes of easy paddling to make it home.
