Our next day of day hiking in the Cedar Mesa we planned a "quick" trip into Slickhorn Canyon to see one of the "perfect kivas", then move onto Moon House Ruin, for which we had acquired a permit to see many months ago. We should know by now there are no quick trips into these canyons.

The entry was easy as you come down a wash which gradually turns into a canyon, but about 1.5 miles in you climb high up the north (more like northwest) facing wall to climb over a steep pour over. So you end up climbing back to the top, only to then descend to the bottom and climb up the other side to get to the ruin. Well worth it. You can see above a replica ladder that is used to climb into the kiva. We've seen the original at the Edge of the Cedars museum.

We were co-mingled with a high school group from California as we left the canyon, so a bit crowded and at times slow.
