What I’m Contemplating

What I’m Reading

What I’m Playing

Lots of games played over the winter holiday.

  • Played Dead of Winter several times and while it was fun it won’t stay in my collection. I’m not a big fan of cooperative games with hidden agendas.
  • Played 18Lilliput and probably messed up the rules, violating the certificate limit. Will try again soon.
  • The party game hit was Just One and we played it close to 10 times over the holday. Great cooperative party game.
  • I played Band of Brothers: Screaming Eagles on 2018–12–18 once and then taught / mentored two other games over the holiday. My favorite easy entry into the tactical wargaming world.
  • Played 7 Wonders for the first time in a while. Julie and Dave stomped us.
  • Did a quick stand-up game of Can’t Stop. Always a hoot.
  • Tiny Epic Galaxies was in the game collection at the house we stayed in over the break so Jacob, David and I gave it a try. Solid game, maybe the best I’ve seen in the “Tiny” series.
  • We had a big game of The Great Dalmuti. Always goes over well.
  • I played the evil alien in Not Alone. Solid game.
  • We broke out Charterstone and got most of the original players back together to play episodes 9 and 10 (so two left I think). Enjoying it but won’t be my favorite worker placement game.
  • Nephew Geoff got Azul for Christmas so I taught him how to play.
  • Dave really enjoys Codenames so we played that several times.
  • Geoff gave me Captain Sonar for my birthday and we played several times. I’m awful at it, but it is an engaging if stressful real-time team vs. team game.
  • Matthew loves Pax Renaissance so we played several times. So much game inside this tiny box. Finally played the expansion.
  • During college bowl games Matthew and I played Innovation. I prefer the base game, low player count.
  • Julie and I played our last unopened Timeline game, Timeline: Events. I like this series.
