What I’m Reading

  • Julie and I listened to Riders of the Purple Sage while roaming around southern Utah, a perfect place to take in this classic. I used to own the entire Zane Grey collection (gift from my paternal grandfather) but never got into the books and eventually let them go. No regrets on that front, but I was surprised at the quality of writing.
  • You can’t tour southern Utah without seeing copies of Desert Solitaire in just about every visitor center bookstore. The irony of course is that Abbey would want these centers destroyed and the parks returned to a wilderness state. The book was quite good if a bit rambling at times. I loved the story of his rafting adventure down the Colorado just before the construction of the Glen Canyon Dam.
  • I listened to the Leonardo da Vinci biography. If Leonardo had only been a publisher / finisher he would have been credited for a great many more discoveries and inventions.
  • Julie and I wanted a long fiction book to listen to on our trip out to NY, so we re-listend to The Talisman by Stephen King. My first and only read was probably about 35 years ago and I don’t think it holds up very well. It is part of King’s world-building for sure (it meshes in, eventually, with The Dark Tower series) but I think there are too many holes to be “believable fantasy.”

What I’m Exploring

  • Packwood Lake – Julie and I met Jacob and Kaitlin half-way and hiked this nice 10 mile round-trip in the shadow of Mt Rainier. A good early season option - some trace of snow and a bit of mud, but in great shape and well trafficked.

What I’m Contemplating

What I’m Listening To

  • Aquilo’s Silhouettes – Discovered this with Shazam app in a Panera and am enjoying it. Hints of Tears for Fears.

What I’m Playing

  • I taught Great War Commander to Doug and lost very badly.
  • I played Advanced Squad Leader online and in real life during the week we were in Oregon between our Utah trip and our drive to NY. I don’t expect any in-person play this summer but will get in a few VASL games.
  • Julie and I taught The Great Dalmuti to our family host in Broomfield, CO. Always a hit with larger groups.
