What I’m Reading

  • Tao of Seneca – Free PDFs – This is more of a pointer if you want to get a taste of what the stoic thing is all about.
  • Finished reading Think Python and I didn’t think it was very good. I wouldn’t use it for a CS class. There are better intro books and I’ll try to mention some later.

What I’m Listening To

What I’m Contemplating

What I’m Playing

  • The Great Dalmuti – One my all time favorite large-group games that isn’t a party game. Plus you get to wear funny hats.
  • Tichu – The next step up from The Great Dalmuti is… Tichu! Always love this partner game and I was able to introduce two new people in a late-night game with Matthew.
  • Played the classic Catan with Geoff and Mike. I don’t love this game but will always play it. Always seems to be a slog, even when I’m winning.
  • I introduced Geoff to the 2-playerAgricola: All Creatures Big and Small and he enjoyed it. I love this quick-playing farm game.
  • Ninety-Nine
  • No Thanks! – good even with four players.
