I've had a very active month of gaming so far! Here's a recap of the highlights:

  • Nations – played this with Jacob and Matthew and got destroyed. Could never get my engine running and felt behind by the end of the first age. The boys played a tight game with Jacob edging Matthew by one point. Nations isn't holding up well for me, but maybe I'm soured from my poor showing.
  • Jaipur – Still one of the favorite two player card games for Julie and me. When we take some time away from the game, we always seem to play it wrong the first time through.
  • Warfighter: The Tactical Special Forces Card Game – Doug gifted a spare copy of this fun, light solo/cooperative modern tactical card game. Matthew and I played the easy intro scenario again and had fun, but it was too easy. I hope we can fit in a tougher scenario before he returns to West Point next weekend.
  • Advanced Squad Leader – I look forward to this every week with Doug. We are playing through some easier infantry only scenarios and keep stumbling on new rules and small mistakes. The consistent play helps; we even took an hour this week to play over VASL so that we wouldn't lose our momentum over the busy holidays.

Objective Kiev, playing with Evan S

  • Objective: Kiev – We had a friendly wargamer social down at the Lucky Lab in SE Portland last week, and I finally got to play this magazine game. Evan S and I played a game for the first time in person and enjoyed the game, which took about two hours. The turn sequence printed on the map is wrong, so I plan to paste up a corrected one.
  • Combat Commander: Europe – Matt R came over for a full day of campaign play. We each have a “personal leader” we are playing with starting fall 1944 and through the Bulge. Matt killed my personal leader early in the first scenario! We got through two scenarios and Matt won both, though the first was very tight. I had control of the board but lost due to the surrender limit.
  • Viticulture: Complete Collector's Edition – I'm loving this game, and slowly drawing Julie into it as a medium weight 2 player game. We are able to play through in about an hour and are starting to mix in expansions from Tuscany.
  • 1880: China – I joined Myk, Chuck, and Matt for this elegant 18xx game a few weekends ago. We didn't quite finish the game, but I was destined for a second or third place showing but not too far behind. I love meandering around 18xx games, focusing on local optimization while I learn the nuances of a given game. I hope to play with Jacob and one or two others on January 3.
  • Splendor – I finally played this much hoped game, two player with Doug. Fun game but it didn't blow me away enough to consider a purchase.
  • Treasure Hunter – Played this with four players and it has more depth than I initially thought. It is a card drafting game where you are building sets of different suits, sometimes going for high, sometimes low, sometimes trying to void a suit. I'd play it again.
  • Deep Sea Adventure – This is a fun little press your luck game, and would make a great filler or pub game. On my “might buy this” list.


  • CV – Played this the same night as Treasure Hunter and Deep Sea Adventure, and I think it compares to Splendor but with a bit more complexity.
  • Airborne Commander – Really enjoying this solitaire card game that I kickstarted a while back. It is a very difficult game and I'm struggling to just finish a scenario with positive points.
  • Orléans: Deluxe Edition – KC and I played this beautifully crafted game and he was very kind to steer me to victory. I enjoyed the game and love the production, though I wonder if the strategies are too obvious.
  • Five Crowns – Julie has been playing this weekly with a local friend and introduced me to it. It is a mass market game but pleasant fun and I'll always play it when Julie asks. Definitely has some strong luck aspects, but there's more depth to it than I initially though.
