I finally broke down and placed another Deep Thought Games 18xx game order. I still have two unplayed 18xx game in my collection (1870 and 2038) but I feel compelled to get in the queue and hedge a bit knowing there's at least one game I really want to own: 1846. I played it for the second time in a year over the weekend and it is becoming one of my favorites. What I like: innovative opening draft of privates (simpler and more comfortable for newbies when compared to auctions), quick ramp of companies and route building, and minimal stock market shenanigans. Not that I don't like stock market wackiness at times, its just nice knowing going in that you can focus on engineering good routes and observing others' growth potential.

Also ordered were:

  • 1854 - the smaller map and European setting are attractive to me, though this looks to be a longish game which I don't mind.
  • 18Neb - I'm a sucker for games that focus on geography I've lived in, and I'm looking for a second shorter game that Jacob and Matthew might both play with me.

I reserve the right to add games to this order before Deep Thought gets to my spot in the queue!
