You won't believe the list of backlog posts I have, but it looks like they will have to wait for a while. We are off to Europe tomorrow, approximate itinerary:

  • Wed - fly to London via MSP
  • Thu - land at Gatwick / London, bus tour for orientation and visit British Museum
  • Fri - Imperial War Museum and other sites south of Thames, see a musical
  • Sat - Tower of London, walking tour around Westminster, pub crawl
  • Sun - Eurostar to Brussels, train to Liege
  • Mon, Tue, Wed - Bulge sites plus fun stuff in the Ardennes (Plopsa Coo, caves, castles, beer, and chocolate)
  • Thu - to Rheims France, champagne and cathedral
  • Fri-Sun - Paris!
  • Mon - return home

I'm bringing the camera and expect to take a ton of photos. See you in 12 days!
