I'm having way too much fun with my Digital Rebel. I'm especially impressed with the results I'm getting with high-speed (1/1600, 1/2000) action photos of Jacob and Matthew's baseball activity. So bear with me if you are only interested in gaming activity I'll probably be posting quite a few family photos this summer.

Jacob in the dugout with teammate Joey. Focal length 80mm, F/4, 1/320 sec.

Jacob getting one his many hits on Saturday. He had one of his best hitting days ever, reaching base every at bat over two games. Focal length 300mm, F/7.1, 1/2000 sec.

Jacob is doing a great job as the backup catcher. This is a photo of Jacob taking signs from the dugout coach that he will into ball position for the pitcher. 300mm, F/5.6, 1/2000 sec.
