My Favorite Business Novels
I was hanging out with a group of my coaching clients last week and made an off-hand remark about how much I enjoy business novels. What is a business novel?...
Thursday Things
What I’m Playing I played the newish 2 player version of Caverna, Caverna: Cave vs Cave on 2017–08–25. Fun, tight and easy to learn 2 player game. Not sure ...
The Grind of Training and Goal Achievement
Back in late May I decided to run the Canby Dahlia Run half marathon. It had been three years since my last half and I needed a goal to work towards over the...
Wednesday What’s Up
What I’m Reading I listened to about half of Six Armies in Normandy: From D-Day to the Liberation of Paris; June 6 - Aug. 5, 1944. I just don’t enjoy the pu...