Reliable Flop Shots


  • Three ways to add loft:
    • Twist the face open
    • Move the handle back (shaft away from target)
    • Lower the hands
  • He likes to move shaft back a bit, open face
  • Feet close together
  • Ball position slightly forward of center
  • Get closer to the ball to get more toe interaction, less heel interaction
  • Loose grip pressure - 4-5/10


  • Have to take a long backswing (arms parallel to ground to higher)
  • Some hinge in the lead wrist – “cupped and extended”


  • Want to feel like club-head is getting further away from you, and wrist is extending, as you start the downswing
  • Club-head will get ahead of the hands
  • Keys
    • At address, you can see two knuckles on lead hand
    • At backswing four knuckles
    • At release three knuckles
  • If you can’t see knuckles you are shutting the club-face
  • Try with lead arm only, keep body quiet until you are finishing the swing toward the target

Full Sequence

  • Tempo should feel slow

01 Intro.mp4

02 Setup.mp4

03 Backswing.mp4

04 Release.mp4

05 Full Sequence.mp4

Risky Flop Shots

Why a riskier flop shot? Changing things at setup and with intention, Only pull these out if you must get higher and land softer.


  • Get further away from the ball, dropping the shaft even lower. Problem is that you get the heel much more engaged with the turf.
  • Slightly more knee flex, wider stance
  • Stronger hold on the grip
  • Ball still slightly forward of center


  • In reliable flop we were gliding the club, in this one we’ll have more turf interaction so we need bigger backswing, faster release.


  • Very similar to reliable flop
  • Key difference is firmer pressure, faster backswing, want an intention of throwing it with more aggression
  • Want to feel like the club-head will get way ahead of the hands. Trying to hit it to the moon.
  • More speed

Rough Flop

  • Sitting down, especially.
  • Can’t square the face, can’t put handle forward
  • Face way open as the grass will grab and close via the hosel
  • More steep angle of attack, similar to bunker shot

01 Introduction.mp4

02 Setup.mp4

03 Backswing.mp4

04 Release.mp4

05 Final Sequence.mp4

06 Rough Flop.mp4