Family and friends were kind enough to support my gaming habit, and here's what my take was this holiday season. I still haven't played Metro or A Game of Thrones but hopefully that will change over the next week or so.

  • Acquire - true, I had never played this game before. After two plays with the family, I can't believe I had missed out on this one for so long! And, surprisingly, Jacob and Matthew both requested the second play of this game, and proceeded to teach two of their friends on New Years eve.
  • Diplomacy - haven't played this in 20 years, but felt like I should have it on my game shelf.
  • A Game of Thrones (boardgame) - I've heard great things about this and can't wait to play.
  • Hammer of the Scots - A bit expensive for what you get, but it looks fun. Jacob and I played last night, but I made the mistake of letting him play the Scots and I crushed him pretty easily. Next time we'll switch sides and see how things go.
  • Metro - A gift from a co-worker. I haven't played yet, but Julie was excited to see this one turn up since she enjoyed playing it at our recent gameday. Any board game the wife likes is OK by me :-).
  • Domaine - A gift from a friend. Jacob and I enjoyed playing this earlier in December and I look forward to more plays.
  • El Grande - Got to play this while in Arizona earlier in the year and liked it, so Julie picked it up for me.
