Julie, Jacob, Matthew, and I arrived safely in Indianapolis tonight. We had a great dinner at my sister’s place on the northeast side. Julie stayed there so that she can head up to West Lafayette tomorrow to see her grandmother, and I took the boys down to Shelbyville to stay at my parents’ place. Jacob and I will drive downtown and try to arrive around 8:30 or so to pick up our GenCon registration and get our bearings. Our schedule tomorrow is:

  • 10am – noon – Seafarers of Catan
  • 12:30pm – 2:30pm – Puerto Rico
  • 2:30pm – 5pm – Free time for exhibit hall and dinner
  • 5pm – 7pm – Tigris and Euphrates
  • 7pm – 9pm - Samurai

Not sure if we’ll stay that late – really depends upon how Jacob is doing. Don’t know if there will be connectivity at the show – if there is, expect some mid-day updates. Otherwise I’ll post a report tomorrow evening (my parents have broadband wifi – how cool!).
