What I’m Reading

What I’m Contemplating

What I’m Playing

  • Ninety-nine – We have three people here at Keuka Lake right now, and this is the game to play with three.

What I’m Drinking

We had guests in town last weekend that were eager to try local breweries around Keuka Lake. I’ve, ahem, “had them all” so I zeroed in on a pint at each location instead of sampling.

  • Tried the beer Hopyard IPA at Steuben Brewing Company on July 21 2017. Gave it a rating of 3.5. Better than average IPA.
  • Tried the beer Coconut Brown Ale at Finger Lakes Beer Company on July 22 2017. Gave it a rating of 3.75.
  • Tried the beer Bee Side at The Brewery of Broken Dreams on July 22 2017. Gave it a rating of 4. Sweet and strong
